Monday 22 February 2016

disappointed... psychologist etc

This week sadly I read an article , sort of wish I hadn't ...a psychologist wrote an article about people with narcissism(narcissist ) and BPD and the same old load of crap  regarding BPD was thrown around like fact a person with BPD this really bothers me I'm sick of being told I'm one way and one way only (this is very black and white thinking on the psychologists behalf i might add )..that I cant change that I'm to be avoided and certainly to never enter into a relationship with because I'm such an arsehole...(ok he didnt say arsehole but might as well of )I also fell onto another article but  I did back out on that one after reading the title to deal with   borderline and the wording thus in was not any better. You know i am actually a person not some shitty statistic ,some horrendous disorder ...and despite so called professionals telling me I'm so bad ,I cant be treated and hopeless that people need treatment from me like a disinfectant because I'm so poisonous...despite all of that im doing okay i didnt go beat anyone to a pulp ,yell or throw a fit what i did do was use my DBT skills to think about WHY does it bother me so much what some stranger wrote  and heres what it is in a nutshell...

psychologists are there to help people with mental illness its what they chose as a profession,BPD is a TREATABLE mental illness that has lots of stigma..I believe people that are in the field  of mental health should be INSPIRING and giving hope ,there is enough people abusing people with BPD already in this world (so many people with BPD also suffer PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
if tomorrow you had to switch places and YOU were the person who had BPD(mr psychologist)would you want to read that you are to be avoided,that you will cause nothing but pain and misery to any that have involvement with you ,that you are a hopeless suicidal lost cause...or..would you like to be uplifted and told about the awesome things that can help like having cbt ,DBT therapy that you are understood that you are supported..that YOU BELONG and that you as a person with BPD are needed in  this world..and that you shouldn't be ashamed of a disorder you didnt ask for....the stuff that is said in these articles really hurts and I remember when I found out I had BPD I had to really search thru a pile of really nasty stuff to find some hope (THANKYOU HEALING FROM BPD!!)and (KATI MORTON)...please stop the stigma and if you cant say anything nice just say nothing.