Saturday 17 September 2016

Inspiration...selfcare Why...What..

HI! its been a while since my last post ,because well I just didn't think I had that much to say at the moment,I have had a few changes ,Job change goals have changed ,feelings are changing ..I dont like change much BUT I can cope.I am feeling like I have a touch of depression like a dementor is lurking close but not quite there im trying to get some good self care stuff going so that even if depression slinks in like the over-stayer that wont piss off that I will cope ,plod along and know that eventually it will leave again,after chatting with some google peeps,Annie that's you  and that's you  Javier felt inspired to do some things,Things I tell everyone to do because they help with depression and anxiety and BPD symptoms  also PTSD and probably others as well .See I like to fix things ,people animals but often I forget myself until its too I,m taking some of my own advise and doing some self care ,Now some self  care is nice stuff like pampering face stuff nice soap and buying cool stuff ,some self care is not so much fun like sitting down and doing some mindfulness exercise and seeing that shit actually I,m feeling sad and a bit depressed(not a pleasant feeling)Its booking that doctors appointment,its making myself go to bed when i want to stay up and watch tv,Its not buying that bottle of wine on a Friday night or Saturday ....What is self care..To me self care is you taking care of you own needs and not expecting anyone else to do it for you,it is doing to sometimes nice things ,but also the I need to get this done things like going for a blood test or making sure I have taken my iron pills.or dealing with an emotional issue that's been procrastinated about for ever!.I am pleased to say I have some thing in motion for when I am feeling a bit crap and I have taken some photos to share of what my self care box looks like and what some of the nicer things I do when I,m feeling ratshit .some of the stuff is distraction things for the super over busy thinking mind,some things like the doodle book make you use your imagination some things are just pretty and things I have bought in the markets,my pretty box needs a top up as I actually use the stuff which is funny because at first I couldn't even use the things because I didn't want to ruin them :) also you cant smell how fabulous the box smells its fantastic !If you dont have a self care box i suggest you start one they really are great I think I will be adding some cash  to mine and some notes about which feeling goes with what and what i have found worked in the past when i felt like that!also a list of who is good to talk to when I am feeling down.
 market buys

 pretty coloring in note book

 my fabulous doodle book

my pretty self care pamper box

my sons car repair boxs haha he repaints his cars with my nail polish clever boy
 my $3.00 pumpkin  and some more pretty im obsessed with the colour blue i love it :)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your self care tools with us. It's so important for us not to forget to us them...just one...whenever we are feeling overwhelmed with emotions that require something for us to use to help us come back to our center, where we can get on with living life to the fullest. So important! Great job, Quazy Modo! xo
