Friday 12 September 2014

life saving stuff

in some places the world its suicide prevention week ..... and i want to share my thought about it so a TW is in place (trigger warning ) just in-case you are feeling sensitive today...

Lots of people struggle with the thought of taking their own life ...just lots of people keep it to themselves and unfortunately some  go ahead and take their life..

SHAME,isolation, guilt,self loathing...crippling self hatred a lack of self compassion...dissociation,alcohol and or drug abuse..mental suffering...sometimes the way a persons family is ..or how society views mental illness ,stigma about mental health...

What do i have to say and how would i know anything of relevance..I've been at rock bottom i know what happens to a persons head that is contemplating suicide ..

signs you need help..

sleeping too much/ are constantly tired so tired you could sleep for a hundred years.
you don't want to be with anyone,talk to anyone,you cry all the time,there is nothing in life you want anymore its all too hard...your thoughts are dark and brooding,you have are harsh in the way you speak to yourself,thinking about death a lot,
you are anxious and have a sense of foreboding that wont lift
you feel fake ,worthless,the world would be better of without you,everything is your fault
you don't feel safe or trust yourself,your mind is racing,or your have gone strangely calm and everything seems so logical..

How do you get help when its so cripplingly painful ..Step by step call a help line,get in your car drive to a hospital the drs if this means,have a cuppa,get in car,drive,sit,walk in, speak say you need help,write down what you want to say if you need are worth it you deserve help..take action  NO-ONE should suffer in mental pain....remember it doesn't matter how rich/poor attractive/not so attractive popular unpopular when it comes to depression and mental suffering its not popularity contest and if you do nothing..all that will be left is another sad shitty do not have to go through how you feel on your own..

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